About the Jackson Housing Commission
JHC was created by a City of Jackson ordinance in 1946, and the Commission entered into its first Annual Contributions Contract with the federal government in 1964. Since then, JHC has received subsidies and funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing and programs to families, seniors, the disabled and individuals.
The Jackson Housing Commission currently operates 540 units of Public Housing, across three sites, in the City of Jackson; and 475 Housing Choice Vouchers, which allow Section 8 program participants to find housing in the private rental market.
With a customer base of over 1,000 families, we are committed to providing a level of customer-focused service that goes well beyond that of providing shelter.
The Jackson Housing Commission is pleased to be positioned to provide access to decent, safe, and affordable housing to low- and moderate-income individuals, families, elderly, and/or disabled persons within Jackson County.
Embedded in our mission, we are charged with assisting our program participants in their efforts to achieve self-sufficiency. Essential to our long-term success is empowering our clients to develop and reach goals that will improve the quality of life for them and their families.
The JHC partners with many services-based agencies to ensure that the roles and responsibilities assumed by the government, the Authority, the landlord and the tenant families continue to make progress in improving the quality of life for its housing residents. In an effort to guide and assist housing participants towards self-sufficiency, JHC is committed to building communities, creating partnerships, and shaping futures.