Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program

Section 8
Housing Choice Voucher
Director: Shari Boyce
Ph: 517.787.6326
Fax: 517.787.3255
The Jackson Housing Commission administers 475 Housing Choice Vouchers in Jackson County, allowing approximately 1,160 people and 455 families to utilize HUD subsidy to find suitable housing of the family’s choice in the private rental market.
The Section 8 Waiting list is currently CLOSED. No applications are currently being accepted.
New applications are only accepted once the Waiting List is open. When the Waiting List is open, instructions on how to submit an application are advertised on this website, in the local newspaper and throughout the City. At the end of the application period, JHC conducts a public lottery to determine the applicant’s placement on the Waiting List.
JHC contacts applicants by mail when their lottery numbers are reached. Applicants are then required to attend an orientation, followed by a one-on-one interview, and must submit all required documentation. Waitlist applicants must keep their contact information updated with the Jackson Housing Commission while they are on the waitlist. If an applicant family is not able to be contacted when their lottery number is pulled, they will be removed from the waitlist.